Is MY Body Offending Anyone?

Is MY Body Offending Anyone?

Weird thought right? This isn’t a piece dissing cancel culture or complaining about how “sensitive” people are nowadays. This is an honest thought I had today. Yes I may preach to always be yourself and strut it but we all have our days.

We all have days where we are not comfortable in our skin.

How does my outfit and my body impact those around me?

YOU and your body has high potential to change an environment. It is up to you to rock your body! Dress and Act the part you choose!

Men and Women have the power to be confident and love themselves in the workplace or anywhere!

What thought brought this post to be?

I work at a middle school and as I was putting on my school tshirt I realized it was very tight. I’m a bigger woman of course and the shirt was really tight around my chest. We all know what this looks like. Yes it can be considered an attractive look. I’m not looking to show up at work to look “sexy” or disrupt this place of learning. My body is confusing to me but others would probably look at me and think I was trying to be sexy? I’m not sure! I looked in the mirror, added a cardigan, and looked again. my back fat was not looking too hot. It was just a school shirt why was it so hard to look decent in? This body, baby. Or MY MIND? That’s what it was. EVERY other staff member will be wearing this shirt. ROCK IT.

It was a hard time to look myself in the mirror and say like the classy Nike slogan “JUST DO IT”. I wore my shirt to work and yes it was tight and maybe it did annoy some people but this is your ONLY body you need to love it and take care of it!

Plus size super hero woman. Body positive concept. Attractive overweight woman. For Fat acceptance movement no fatphobia. Vector illustration.

Time and Place for Self Love?

It is interesting because when I got out with my friends (before COVID) I loved showing off my curves and wearing tight clothes. Work is super different though! A time and place to wear “sexy” clothes does exists and I do NOT want to mix the two. A school t-shirt? I wouldn’t wear out on the clubs but this shirt was very tight. It brought attention to my waist and chest. You know I told myself to get over it and go to work in the tshirt and be confident. If someone there had a problem with MY body and how it wears clothes then they can bring it up with me. And I will bring it up a size next time. lol

Be yourself.

Be yourself! That is the biggest solution to the dilemma if you think your body is taking up too much space TAKE UP MORE. Be you! Life is too short to spend hours worrying about what others think.

Humans living it up!

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